Banzai Support

Banzai in Spanish

Banzai is available to students who prefer to learn in Spanish. Students can opt for Spanish when they sign up, or change their language preference from their account settings.

The following games are currently available in Spanish:

  • Lemonade Tycoon
  • Life Scenarios
  • Advanced Budgeting

How Different Is the Spanish Version?

Spanish-speaking students will go through Lemonade Tycoon, Life Scenarios, or Advanced Budgeting, face the same decisions, and answer the same test questions—just in a different language. 

You can still assess your Spanish-speaking students’ progress when you log in. When you check their answers on a specific test question, you’ll see their test translated back to English. 

You can also take a look at the Spanish course by clicking Preview All Courses on your account. 

How to Access the Spanish Version

Students can start using Banzai in Spanish in two ways. First, when they sign up, students can select English or Spanish. 

Second, if students already have an account, they can change the language after logging in. Click the student name to view account settings.

Then under Language, select Spanish and click Save Changes.

Schedule a Walk-Through

Our Teacher Support team can do a personalized, 15-minute tutorial and answer any questions you might have.

Schedule a time on this calendar.
We will call you at the selected time. Just be ready with your questions. 
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