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    What's playing Banzai like?

    Oscar Wilde once said that “experience is simply the name we give our mistakes.” But what if students could skip the mistakes young adults most commonly make when managing their money for the first time? The Banzai course app is a completely interactive experience where kids, teens, and young adults make choices and experience consequences. Think of it as a financial “choose your own adventure,” a way to test drive choices without the high stakes of real life. 

    As players make their way through the game, they’re faced with deceptively simple options. Whether it’s making coffee at home versus buying it at a cafe or opting into a company’s 401(k) program, one-off decisions might not seem like a big deal, but they can quickly become long-term financial habits. 

    Over the course of game play, players find that their small decisions could impact some of their biggest goals. 

    Working toward financial goals like paying for college or buying a home gives players not only a sense of reward when playing Banzai but also realistic outcomes for choices encountered in real life. As students make knee-jerk decisions, they get to see how each choice affects their ability to reach their savings goals and the next step in their lives. 

    We’ll be honest: we didn’t make Banzai easy to win. Instead, familiar scenarios, realistic consequences, and thoughtful outcomes mean students can play again and again, with different results each time. 

    We all make mistakes, but Banzai allows students to make them in a safe space. Armed with experience, players can make confident, real-life decisions that help them get to where they want to go. 

    Schedule a Walk-Through 

    Our Teacher Support team can do a personalized, 15-minute tutorial and answer any questions you might have.

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